Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Designing a Quilt for HMQS

I have been working on a new quilt for the teacher display at HMQS in May. Usually quilters select the pattern and fabric, piece the quilt, and then figure out the quilting design. Since my focus is on machine quilting I'm doing it backwards. I want feathers and lots of them so I need the piecing to be simple with large open areas.

Although I like these blocks and they look great with borders, the feather designs I have in mind are not triangles and the pieces are still relatively small.

The block on the left is a little too plain but the Federal Square block on the right works. One decision made - check back to see the feather quilting design!


  1. Maybe you could "super-size" a quilt block to give you enough open space. That's what I am thinking of doing so that my pretty fabric doesn't get so chopped up, that I lose the pretty design!

  2. I agree! If I super-size the block the quilting designs will show as well.
